Letter to the editor

Dear editor:

Because the Covid-19 pandemic have forced public meetings to go virtual, it seems that our elected officials do just what they want and without community input.

Two of our historic buildings have been bulldozed and the land upon which they sat, cleared. The former Western University located in Historic Quindaro and the former Wyandotte County Fair Ground office building (aka, the Annex) at 94th and State Avenue. It should be noted both were located in close proximity to cemeteries that also have historic significance.

Western University stood near the Quindaro cemetery and the Wyandotte Office Building stood near the Wyandotte Cemetery. For those who don’t know, African-Americans and Native Americans received their post-secondary education from Western University. The degree that my auntie who died a few years ago at 108, prepared her to work for a Kansas governor. She shared many stories about her days at the beloved university.

Who would make such a decision to destroy these wonderful buildings! Now, what fate awaits the cemeteries? What were they thinking?

Where is your heart, elected officials? It is clear to me that they voted profit over people. Public money spent for private gain? What is the end game and what is the good for our community? I say, “Shame on you, Mr. Mayor and UG Commissioners! Shame on you! You are showing us who you are—disrespectful of Wyandotte County history and the people who pay you to serve us.”

We, the people of Wyandotte County, should vote all the elected officials out of office beginning with the primary election in August 2021. This will be their reward for elevating profits over the community value of preserving historic hallmarks, our collective legacy.
If you believe the way that I do, vote on August 3, 2021 and vote them out of office!

Mary Martin, resident, Wyandotte County