Rep. Davids discusses transportation, infrastructure at White House

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist, and other members of Congress met with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris today at the White House to discuss transportation and infrastructure.

Rep. Davids, vice chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, discussed priorities for infrastructure during the meeting. The group discussed the need to create and pass an infrastructure package that would build back the U.S. economy with materials made in America, create good-paying jobs, and combat the effects of climate change, according to a spokesman.

“I appreciated the chance to speak with the President, Vice President, and Secretary of Transportation about the urgent need to pass a transformational infrastructure package – one that creates millions of good-paying jobs in the U.S., reduces carbon emissions, and builds our economy back better than before. Right now, we’re relying on the infrastructure our grandparents built. With President Biden in office, we have the opportunity to not just repair the infrastructure of the past, but to build the infrastructure of the future that our grandchildren will rely on,” Rep. Davids said in a statement.

Rep. Davids also highlighted local infrastructure priorities in the Kansas 3rd District, such as expanding U.S. 69 Highway in Overland Park.

“The Kansas City metro is a key transportation hub for the entire country, so smart investments in infrastructure to grow our economy are especially critical for us. I was glad to share the importance of updating and expanding infrastructure projects in our region, such as U.S. 69 Highway. These are the kinds of projects that would not only help keep us safe and reduce congestion, but they would bring good union jobs and help our small businesses that are especially struggling right now,” Rep. Davids said.

Before serving in Congress, Davids worked at the U.S. Department of Transportation as a White House Fellow.