Public hearing tonight on major downtown KCK development

A public hearing on a major downtown development is part of the Unified Government Planning Commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The Downtown Parkway District Plan, which was also known as the Healthy Campus Plan, will be presented tonight and there will be public comments on it.

Downtown Shareholders director Chuck Schlittler said he understands that the plan is firming up. There could be some changes to the plan in tonight’s presentation, he said. One of the changes is the name, to Downtown Parkway District. Some other minor changes may have been included, as well, he said.

Community meetings have been held previously on the Healthy Campus plan, and the next step for this project after the Planning Commission meeting tonight is expected to be a Unified Government Commission meeting, tentatively on Dec. 4.

The Downtown Parkway District Plan, according to UG information, is a redevelopment strategy that includes a full range of goods and services essential to a healthy lifestyle in downtown Kansas City, Kan., and a network of streets, paths and parkways that encourage walking, biking and active transportation to connect people to goods and services and to each other in order to make the area a great place to live and work.

The UG Planning Commission and UG Commission meetings are open to the public.
To see the Downtown Parkway District plan, visit this site.