Governor calls for investigation into power system failures to prevent price surges

Gov. Laura Kelly on Friday called on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to investigate the causes of system failures during the recent extreme weather event in Kansas, and protect Kansans from natural gas and electricity price surges resulting from increased demand.

“I have directed my administration to use every tool at our disposal to ensure Kansans are protected from price surges, and that our system is better prepared to handle problems created by circumstances like extreme cold weather,” Gov. Laura Kelly said in a statement. “We will remain in communication with the Biden administration to secure aid, and continue to encourage Congress to pass a stimulus package with state and local funding to provide relief to Kansas communities.”

Kansas Corporation Commission Chair Andrew French, Commissioner Dwight D. Keen, and Commissioner Susan K. Duffy also signed onto the letter urging a federal investigation.

“The recent energy pricing and supply emergency will have serious financial implications for all Kansans and the KCC will take every action within our authority to ease that burden,” French said. “However, our jurisdictional reach is limited. We need swift and decisive leadership at the federal level, as well.”

Gov. Kelly and the Kansas Corporation Commission called for the FERC to:
• Examine the circumstances that reduced the supply of natural gas and compromised pressures on interstate pipelines;
• Exercise its authority under Sections 4A and 23 of the Natural Gas Act and take all actions within its power to protect consumers and ensure the integrity of natural gas price indices;
• Work with NERC to investigate whether additional reliability mechanisms are needed to respond to similar events like this in the future.

The governor stated that her administration and the KCC look forward to working with the FERC in any way they can to ensure similar adverse public health and economic impacts never occur again because of extreme weather conditions.

The letter is at

One thought on “Governor calls for investigation into power system failures to prevent price surges”

  1. i’m sure she will do her best for all excepting for anyone who buys utilities from k.c.b.p.u. – i have no problem with the actual cost of water and electric. the problem i have is the just over 47% of the total monthly utility bill is taxes, taxes, surcharges, and surcharges, etc. – if there was a way to tie in my own generator and water pump into the system here, i would. otoh – i do like the look of the newer looking utility vehicles/trucks so it appears that is money well spent.

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