Many UG buildings to close Wednesday to save energy

Many Unified Government buildings will close on Wednesday, Feb. 17, to help conserve energy during the extreme weather, according to a news release posted on the UG’s website.

According to the news release, staff will continue to support customers and operations while they work from home.

It’s possible the alert level from the Southwest Power Pool will fluctuate during the next 24 hours, and the UG will protect the grid and allow utilities to provide power to homes and businesses by remaining closed to the public on Wednesday, according to the news release.

On Wednesday, the public is advised to call 311 or check the UG’s website before leaving home for a previously scheduled appointment, according to the news release. Some of the services will be offered online.

City Hall and the annex will be closed to the public, as well as the Wyandotte County Courthouse and the Health Department buildings.

Warming centers will remain open during regular hours.

The Health Department will continue to offer COVID-19 vaccinations at the vaccination sites.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Municipal Court Zoom and in-person hearings for Wednesday, Feb. 17, will be rescheduled, and offices are closed.

Wyandotte County District Court hearings will continue as scheduled by Zoom.

Motor vehicle auto licensing is closed, and those with scheduled appointments will be contacted directly through contact information provided, for rescheduling.

Trash service from Waste Management has been disrupted by the weather this week. Trash service may resume as the temperature rises, but on a delayed schedule.

The UG anticipates resuming normal operations on Thursday, Feb. 18, and will continue to monitor the situation.