UG Commission to discuss zoning items tonight

A virtual Unified Government Commission meeting is planned tonight, Jan. 28.

The UG Commission meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 28 will include many planning and zoning items, including some near the Legends, at the former Woodlands, and some at the Turner Diagonal area.

A UG special session is planned at 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, on a COVID-19 and vaccination update, followed by a presentation on the safe and welcoming ordinance.

At the 7 p.m. meeting, the Legends 267 project proposes a zoning change from planned general business to planned high-rise apartment district for 267 apartments at 1879 Village West Parkway. A Master Plan Amendment also is proposed for this project.

The Turner Logistics Center at 615 N. 69th St. plans a change of zone from right of way area to planned general industrial district for warehousing, distribution and light manufacturing businesses. A Master Plan amendment also is planned for this project.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda is a preliminary plan review for a business park and neighborhood retail center from Scannell Properties at 9700 Leavenworth Road, which is part of the redevelopment of The Woodlands.

An item that has generated community comment is a proposal to keep horses, sheep, cows and chickens at 3834 Bell Crossing Drive. The location is not far from the historic Quindaro Cemetery.

Another item on the agenda that had a lot of previous community comment was the Tower View Apartments at 5115 and 5125 Gibbs Road, on the agenda for a change of zone and a Master Plan amendment.

Besides several zoning items, also on the 7 p.m. agenda:

• A resolution to increase the ticket tax by $1.25 at Sporting KC events, for parking improvements and ground lease costs.

• A Brownfields Coalition grant and agreement.

• Industrial revenue bonds up to $20 million to finance a student housing project at KCKCC.

• Adopting a cash and investment policy for the UG.

Some of the other zoning items on the 7 p.m. agenda include:

• 3410 Metropolitan Ave., change of zone from single-family district to two-family district for an existing duplex.

• 12525 Leavenworth Road, change of zone from county agriculture district to city agriculture district.

• 1610 N. 51st St., renewal of special use permit for the temporary use of land to park a dump truck.

• 7640 Tauromee Ave., special use permit to keep three goats.

• 411 and 415 Stine Ave., special use permit to keep two goats.

• 4220 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for a drinking establishment with live entertainment, Lounge 42.

• 1124 Pawnee Ave., ordinance for special use permit for continuation of auto salvage yard.

• 1223 Meadowlark Lane, ordinance for special use permit for receiving invenetory at the dock, storage within the building interior and shipping.

• 7949 Splitlog Ave., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of tractor-trailer truck parking at the American Motel.

• 13400 Donahoo Road, ordinance authorizing special use permit to operate a microbrewery.

• 13400 Donahoo Road, ordinance authorizing special use permit for an event space with live entertainment.

• 6600 Thorn Drive, ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to planned heavy industrial district.

Also on the agenda are several Land Bank actions.

Land Bank option applications:
New construction, RST, single-family homes
Five single-family homes at 1231 Armstrong, 1235 Armstrong, 1237 Armstrong, 1243 Armstrong, .
Combining lots for one home at 1246 Armstrong and 1244 Armstrong.

New construction, J Horton Holdings, residential, phase 1, three single-family homes, combining parcels for one home: 521 Oakland and 517 Oakland. Two single-family homes.
516 Oakland, phase 2, four townhome units, one duplex, combine paracels for duplex, 509 Oakland, 1420 N. 5th, 1416 N. 5th. Four towntown units.
1400 N. 5th, phase 3, four single-family homes; two single-family homes.
520 Everett, one single-family home.
514 Everett, one single-family home.
504 Everett.

New construction, Amy Strother, agricultural:
To develop an inner-city equestrian park, 3319 N. 44th Terrace, trails and lean-tos.
3334 N. 44th Terrace, trails and lean-tos.
4551 Sloan Ave., trails and lean-tos.
4600 Parkview Ave., home and horse stalls.

Land Bank property transfers:
Yard extension request:
805 N. 11th , current home, requesting neighboring Land Bank lot, 809 N. 11th.

For more information on the items and how to connect to the meeting, visit