Rep. Davids describes violence at the U.S. Capitol, a ‘shameful and grotesque attack on our democracy’

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., today issued a statement on Wednesday’s violence at the U.S. Capitol:

“Yesterday was one of the darkest days in our nation’s recent history. The violence we saw at the Capitol complex was a shameful and grotesque attack on our democracy that will leave an indelible stain on our country.

“Like many of you, I feel a range of emotions: anger at those who carried out this attack, sadness over the deep division in our country, shock that this was even possible, gratitude for my safety and that of those around me, and resolved with my fellow lawmakers who continued our constitutional duties last night.

“The insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Anything less is a threat to the republic and to the rule of law in this country.

“By inciting this riot, President Trump has made it clear that he is unable to faithfully discharge the powers and duties of his office. That is why I’m calling on the U.S. Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment now. If the Cabinet Secretaries and Vice President do not act, we must swiftly impeach the President and remove him from office. Our democracy, safety, and security are at stake.

“We must also ensure accountability of the elected officials who not only condoned, but encouraged this violence and even sought to fundraise off of it. They share culpability with the President for the assault on our democracy yesterday.

“There are many questions that deserve answers about the complete security breakdown at the Capitol. We were told that U.S. Capitol Police were prepared for this, and they very clearly were not. Many individual Capitol Police officers acted heroically to help bring members, journalists, and staff to safety. But the fact that this happened in the first place is a systemic failure and breakdown of security protocols.

“There was also a clear bias in the treatment of this violent mob compared to the many folks – including women, people of color, and people with disabilities – who have peacefully protested at the Capitol. And this must be addressed.

“So, where do we go from here? I don’t pretend to have all the answers about how we move forward. But I do know this: yesterday was an attack on our democracy, and our democracy prevailed.

“Last night, in the very room that had been desecrated just hours before, I joined my colleagues to certify the results of the election and affirm President-Elect Joe Biden’s victory. In 13 days, Biden will be sworn in and begin the hard work of healing our country after four years of chaos and division, with the help of a Democrat-led House and Senate. I look forward to joining him in that effort.

“These are dark days but our democracy must and will prevail.”