UG committees to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committees will meet tonight, in Zoom meetings.

The Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14. The Administration and Human Services Committee meeting will follow.

On the agenda for the PWS Committee meeting:

• A resolution authorizing surveying lands necessary for the Pump Station 15 Abandonment Project near 106th and Georgia. The UG will be looking for a gravity alternative to pump station 15, as its force main is connected to the pump station 50 force main, which will be abandoned next year as part of the new interceptor to the Wolcott wastewater treatment plant. After land is surveyed, eminent domain could be used to acquire the property.

• A resolution authorizing a survey of lands for the 7th and Central Avenue intersection improvement project. The project includes new through lanes, turning lanes, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm sewers, medians, street lighting and traffic signals. The project is on 7th Street Trafficway from Homer Avenue to Reynolds Avenue. The use of eminent domain would be authorized to acquire land that is necessary.

• An ordinance on towing or immobilization of motor vehicles from privately owned property and creating a criminal violation for failure to comply with the provisions. Rules are outlined in the proposed ordinance that is in the agenda. The penalties for the misdemeanor are a fine not to exceed $500 and one month in jail.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Services meeting:

• Grant agreement with University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute, RADx-Up related to COVID-19 testing, with the UG Health Department. The grant amount is $187,877 with no match required.

• A resolution appointing Dr. Altaf Hossain as district coroner for the 29th Judicial District of the state of Kansas (Wyandotte County) and approving an agreement for him to provide district coroner servies.

• An update on CARES Act funding from Crystal Sprague, CARES Act team leader in Wyandotte County.

• Kimberly Pond has requested to speak on the new 10 p.m. bar closing rule, requesting to change it to midnight. The new closing time was implemented Nov. 20 to slow the spread of COVID-19.

• Also, Vicki Freeman has requested to speak against the 10 p.m. closing time for bars and restaurants.

The committee meetings are broadcast on UGTV cable channels, and also on YouTube.

The meetings are on Zoom at

Passcode: 009425

Webinar ID: 864 8839 7349

They also are accessible by telephone at
888-475-4499 (Toll Free) or 877-853-5257 (Toll Free).

The agendas are at