Police notes

Carjacking suspect runs over victim

A victim was at a gas station near the 1800 block of Quindaro at 11:10 a.m. Nov. 12 when a person approached her and asked her for a ride, according to a social media post from the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

The suspect had been outside panhandling at the time of the incident, according to the report.

The clerk from the gas station had walked the victim to her car, the report stated.

The victim refused to give the suspect a ride, then the suspect pushed the victim out of the way, jumped in the car and tried to drive off with the car, according to the report.

The victim fought back, but the suspect was able to get her car into drive and drove off, according to the report.

The victim was dragged by the car and the suspect drove over the victim, possibly breaking her leg, the report stated.

The suspect wrecked the car into a fence across the street and took off on foot, the report stated.

Officers were in the area and were able to quickly apprehend the suspect, the report stated.