Beware of too many Halloween treats for children

Don’t let this Halloween be a trick-or-treat snacktastrophe. Try these tips from the American Heart Association to make your Halloween festivities fun, safe and healthy for you and your family:

• Eat first. Have a healthy meal before you go trick-or-treating to reduce temptation to snack while walking,

• Get moving. Make trick-or-treating a workout. Set a goal of how many houses you will walk to or wear pedometers and have healthy prizes for the person who has the most steps.

• Be that house. Think about a healthier version of treats to give out at your house: Mini boxes of raisins, 100 percent juice juice-boxes, snack-sized pretzels, pre-packaged trail mixes, pre-packaged dried fruits, crayons, stickers, silly bands, tooth brushes, bubbles, plastic spiders, or coupons to local frozen yogurt stores.

• Bag it. Find the right-sized collection bag for your child. Steer clear of the pillowcase method.

Follow these suggestions to have a healthy post-Halloween:

• Avoid the urge to buy on-sale candy in the grocery stores after Halloween. The decision not to buy something once is a lot easier than saying no every time you walk by the candy jar .

• Pick out enough candy for one piece a day for five days and put those in the fridge. When your child asks for a piece of candy, make sure to pair it with a healthy snack like a an apple, a banana or some healthy nuts.

• “Buy back” the candy from your child with money or tokens they can trade in for a fun activity like a day at the zoo or an ice skating adventure.