Dunbar-Faith Connection Gospel Fest gathering planned tonight

The Historic Dunbar Schoolground Honor Roll Athletes, led by team members Bill Robinson and Errol Robinson, will be featured in song and testimony at the Dunbar-Faith Connection Gospel Fest gathering at 6 p.m. Oct. 24 at Faith Lutheran Church, 530 Quindaro, Kansas City, Kan.

Former students in Dunbar’s chorus, families and former Dunbar musicians or their representatives are asked to participate in a memorial photo signature ceremony for musicians Evelyn Caruthers, former Dunbar teacher and chorus leader, and Ruby Robinson, former Dunbar student and choir musician.

Dunbar closed in 1972; the Dunbar-Faith Connection is a volunteer group committed to preserving the memory and educational mission of Dunbar School.

The Historic Schoolground Athletes list was unveiled in 2008; their pictures and other Dunbar history are exhibited on two dedicated walls in Faith’s Fellowship Hall.

There is no charge for admission, an offering and patron donations will be accepted.