Governor makes statement on bipartisan agreement on economic recovery

Gov. Laura Kelly this morning made a statement on a bipartisan agreement reached ahead of the special legislative session today.

The governor’s statement:

“Kansas has faced unprecedented challenges over the last three months because of Covid-19. I’m proud of the efforts my administration has taken working with our local and federal partners to prioritize the health and safety of Kansans, while also creating a decisive and transparent process for our economic recovery. 

“Last week, I vetoed legislation sent to me by the Legislature because it would have undermined my ability to honor the promises I made to Kansans about how we would govern during this crisis. It was rushed, written without bipartisan discussion, and passed unconstitutionally. 

“I will support this bipartisan bill that was created with input from Republicans, Democrats, and stakeholders that I believe will provide the framework our state needs as we continue on the path to recovery. To be clear, there are parts of this bill that I do not support. However, my priority is and will always be the interests of Kansans first. I believe that the majority of this legislation accomplishes that and upholds my commitment to work across the aisle to move our state forward.”