UG committees to meet Monday evening

Two Unified Government committees are scheduled to meet on Monday, June 1.

The Neighborhood and Community Development Committee will meet at 5 p.m., followed by the Economic Development and Finance Committee.

The committee meetings will be on Zoom on the internet, and also can be seen on UGTV cable television on Spectrum, channel 2, and on Google Fiber, channel 141. The meetings also are on YouTube.

On the agenda for the NCD meeting is a presentation on the Stories on Stories Project by the S.O.A.R. team, which tries to connect communities and prevent crime by engaging residents and installing art onto boarded-up vacant buildings.

Also on the NCD agenda is a request to apply for three Mid-America Regional Council Planning Sustainable Places grants. The grants are for Countywide Mobility and Transit-Oriented Development Strategy; Northeast Heritage Trail; and Merriam Lane Corridor Plan.

At the Economic Development and Finance meeting, which follows, will be a review of the 2019 year-end fund balances for the general fund and special revenue funds and legal restrictions for the funds.

Also on the agenda is a resolution on financial policies revisions. A resolution would adopt revisions to the special revenue funds operating reserve policy and the capital asset and equipment investment and management policy.

Also on the EDF agenda is a presentation on the 2021-2025 Neighborhood Revitalization Act Plan. Changes would go into effect Jan. 1, 2021.

The agendas are online at

Community comments can be made by email in advance, by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting to [email protected], according to a note on the clerk’s webpage.

Information for the NCD and EDF Zoom meeting:

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