Political roundup

Governor debate scheduled tonight
A debate between incumbent Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, and Democratic challenger Paul Davis is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. tonight. The debate, from KWCH-TV, will be carried on KSMO-TV, Channel 62. It also can be watched via Internet at http://www.kwch.com/.

The Paul Davis campaign announced today a new Monmouth University poll showing Davis leading Brownback by five points 50-45 percent. The election is Nov. 4.

Yoder announces ‘Women for Yoder Coalition’
In other news, Republican incumbent Rep. Kevin Yoder’s campaign today has announced the endorsement of a “Women for Yoder Coalition.”

There are more than 100 women on the list of Yoder’s supporters. They include Unified Government Commissioner Angela Markley and former Kansas City, Kan., Area Chamber of Commerce president Cindy Cash. Other Wyandotte County names on the list included Roxie Armstrong, Amy Falk and Patricia Stoneking.

Yoder faces a challenge from Democrat Kelly Kultala of the Piper area of Kansas City, Kan.

Kultala earlier was endorsed by Emily’s List and the Women’s Campaign Fund. Kultala also had earlier announced the endorsement of the MainStream Coalition’s MainPAC, Kansas Democratic Party Chair Joan Wagnon, and former Kansas City, Kan., Mayor Carol Marinovich. Marinovich is the treasurer of the Kultala campaign.