KDOL website schedules down time today to fix problems

The Kansas Department of Labor website will be taken down for an hour at noon today, April 14, to fix issues with the website, according to an announcement today on the website.

The KDOL website has been struggling because of the heavy load placed on it by enormous unemployment claim volumes, according to the website.

The KDOL phone lines will remain open during the time the website is down, according to the announcement.

Another down time for the website will be at 7 p.m. April 14, when it will be down for one hour, according to the announcement.

Officials were hoping for better customer service after the website is restored, according to the announcement.

The KDOL website is https://www.dol.ks.gov/ and the unemployment benefits website address is getkansasbenefits.gov.

A KDOL unemployment phone number for callers from the Kansas City area is 913-596-3500.

The website is the preferred method to file for unemplyment, when the website is working.