Rosedale residents cleaning up parks, one person at a time

Erin Stryka and the Rosedale Development Association are cleaning up the parks in the area, one by one. (Photo from Erin Stryka)

As a stay-at-home order is in effect, the Rosedale Development Association had to cancel its annual cleanup day on April 18. But that doesn’t mean that the community cleanup can’t go on, according to executive director Erin Stryka.

The RDA now is sponsoring “Working Wednesdays” for residents to get out and clean up their parks and neighborhood, one by one, she said.

“This is a very strange and difficult time for everybody,” Stryka said. “In Rosedale, we have a lot of helpers.”

Community members help each other and the neighborhood on a regular basis, she said. “Working Wednesdays” is a way for everyone to do that – while making sure they are not gathering in a group of 10 or more and not closer than 6 feet apart, she said.

Besides the parks, residents may clean up their yards and sidewalks. They will be doing the individual cleanup every Wednesday in April.

The stay-at-home order does not include going for a walk, a bike ride or a hike, as long as people are at least 6 feet away from others, and they don’t gather in a group, she said.

“It is definitely OK to go to Rosedale Park or Fisher Park and walk around and enjoy the outside,” she said.

Stryka was at Fisher Park this morning, picking up trash and cleaning up, she said.

“It’s a beautiful day,” she said.

The RDA has cleanup supplies available for Rosedale residents who want to help, she added. Rosedale residents may call 913-677-5097 for information about the cleanup supplies.

Rosedale residents also may call the same number if they need groceries delivered, supplies delivered or somebody to check in with, she said.