Residents learn about property confiscated by police

Sgt. Robert Macan talked to residents attending a class recently at the Kansas City, Kan., citizens police academy. (Photo by William Crum)
Sgt. Robert Macan talked to residents attending a class recently at the Kansas City, Kan., citizens police academy. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

The citizens academy, a program sponsored by the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department, learned about how property is handled by the Police Department from Sgt. Robert Macan.

He talked about what procedures the Police Department has to go through regarding property that is confiscated. Everything has to be well documented and put on a shelf, he said. Everything is handled with care. Everything there is done by the book with no exceptions, he said.

“We are in constant review. Sometimes it gets very frustrating, on the other hand, it can be very fulfilling as well,” Sgt. Macan said.

The group also had the opportunity to take a tour of the rooms where the property is held. The aisles seem endless; there is virtually everything there.

The group also heard from two patrolmen from the night cops. This group has six officers and one staff sergeant. They work from 6:45 p.m. to 3 a.m. They handle everything from crowd control at Sporting Park to gang activity and they are constantly on call.

There is no gang task force in Kansas City, Kan., said patrolman Angela Cannon. “To our knowledge there are no plans for a gang task force in Kansas City, Kan.,” said patrolman Matthew Baker.

The citizens’ group was shown slides about various gangs within the community.

The police department keeps a watchful eye on gangs here, mainly due to the efforts of the night cops.

The night cops are under the command of Sgt. Shane Turner. At the end of the presentation there were a lot of questions regarding gang activity within the community.

Patrol officers Matthew Baker, left, and Angela Cannon, talked to a class recently at the Kansas City, Kan., citizens police academy. (Photo by William Crum)
Patrol officers Matthew Baker, left, and Angela Cannon, talked to a class recently at the Kansas City, Kan., citizens police academy. (Photo by William Crum)