Community meeting set Tuesday on replatting of houses at Wyandotte County Lake

A community meeting is planned from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17, at the James P. Davis Hall, 91st and Leavenworth Road, at Wyandotte County Lake, Kansas City, Kansas.

There is a proposal to replat two houses at Wyandotte County Lake.

According to UG information, it was proposed to remove the houses from the Wyandotte County Lake Park main parcel, as an effort to put the lake houses on the property tax rolls, while allowing the rest of the lake property to be tax-exempt.

No buildings would be removed, according to UG information. There would be no new construction, and no alteration of public spaces, according to UG information.

According to the UG, the lake houses were lived in or rented out since they were constructed in the 1930s. The UG would like to keep them occupied to be easier to maintain and to provide a revenue stream offsetting costs associated with the property, according to UG information.

The City Planning Commission recently held a meeting on this item, and decided to hold it over for 60 days, until Jan. 13, and get more public feedback. The planning commission discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this move, including legal and tax ramifications.

There was an opinion expressed by some planning commission members that the UG needed to develop a long-range policy for the park. Some opposition to the change was expressed by nearby residents. The item eventually may go to the full UG Commission for consideration, sometime in the future.