UG committees to discuss bonds, finances, development agreement and Land Bank items tonight

A KC Foodie Park amendment, the downtown Hilton Garden Inn bonds, a bond sale, a discussion about the cash and investment policy, minimum reserve targets, financial reports and Land Bank items are on today’s Unified Government Committee meeting agendas.

The Neighborhood and Community Development Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in the fifth-floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Immediately afterward, the Economic Development and Finance Committee will meet in the fifth floor conference room.

On the agenda for the EDF meeting:
• An amendment to the Foodie Park development agreement that would give more time to the developer to close on the property;
• An ordinance about bond documents, specifically taxable industrial revenue bonds for the Hilton Garden Inn project; the agenda stated that project costs increased $1.5 million to a total of $5.5 million;
• A resolution offering for sale municipal temporary notes and general obligation bonds and requesting the Public Building Commission to issue leasehold revenue bonds;
• A presentation and resolution of the UG’s cash and investment policy;
• Revisions to the Special Revenue Funds Operating Reserve Policy to adjust minimum reserve targets;
• Third quarter budget to actuals report; and
• Third and fourth quarter budget revisions.

Also scheduled at the EDF meeting is an appearance by Tscher Manck to discuss the Northeast Master Plan and Board of Public Utilities bills.

The NCD Committee at 5 p.m. will discuss a Land Bank application for a new single-family construction at 4011S. Minnie St. by Pillar KC, according to the agenda.

Also proposed is a transfer from the Land Bank of 950 R S. 25th St., to Kaw Valley Drainage District. The drainage district plans to move its maintenance building to an adjacent location and this parcel will give them better access to the new building.

Also proposed is a transfer to the Land Bank of 520 Everett Ave. from the city of Kansas City, Kansas. According to the agenda, the Land Bank has multiple option agreements for the eastern part of Turtle Hill for future housing, and if approved, there would be another option agreement with the existing developer.

Four properties are proposed to be donated to the Land Bank, according to the agenda.

They include 2831 N. 26th St., Joan Baumann, vacant lot; 2418 N. 11th St., Gwendolyn Sharpe, vacant lot; 1302 S. 38th St., C.R. Lee Jr., vacant lot; and 3520 Delavan Ave., A. Porter Gaitan, improvement.

Also scheduled is an update on the Land Bank rehab program.

Another NCD Committee agenda item is an appearance by Kathryn Erwin to discuss contracts for deed in her neighborhood.