Four KCK residents face marijuana charges

Tommy Benson, 24, Cedric Sanders, 22, Courtney Sanders, 20, and Verdell Mays Jr., 24, all from Kansas City, Kansas, are charged with one count of possession with intent to distribute five pounds of marijuana and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.

The crimes are alleged to have occurred Sept. 26, 2017, in Johnson County, Kansas.

According to court records, investigators found the marijuana and the firearms when they served a search warrant at an apartment in Overland Park, Kansas.

If convicted, the defendants could face a penalty of not less than five years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000 on each count. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Kansas City Metro Strike Force investigated. Assistant U.S. Attorney Sheri Catania is prosecuting.

5 thoughts on “Four KCK residents face marijuana charges”

  1. More stupid waste of police and court resources on something that should be completely legal. Data from the Centers for Disease Control proves that cannabis is much safer than alcoholic beverages or tobacco products which together are directly responsible for over 550,000 fatalities in United States annually. Based on that fact alone cannabis should be completely legal.

  2. I agree 100% on your comment! It’s so ridiculous that they are facing these charges! We are going to be in the middle of 2 states that are going to have it legal, but we won’t, or any chance of it in sight. Legalize it to improve our schools, where Brownback took the money away from the schools while putting our state further in debt and to improve our roadways, all of the highways are in such terrible shape! It would also help eliminate the over crowding of the prisons and the paying out more money to house Kansas inmates in out-of-state prisons that is costing so much more money! Not even mentioning the benefits of the drug with PTSD, pain relief, opioid addiction withdrawal, and depression. Get with the times and do what is needed to be done legalize!

  3. You telling me that have time to serve a warrant for some one that have five d– pounds of weeds.They need to be more focused on who is out here doing these murders and not on who is selling some d– weed.

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