Community event planned tonight in wake of tragic shooting

A community event is planned in the wake of a tragic shooting at the Tequila KC Bar on Sunday morning at 10th and Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas.

A Walk for Community is planned at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7, at 13th and Central, and will proceed to 10th Street, according to Edgar Galicia, executive director of the Central Avenue Betterment Association.

The walk, coordinated by the Central Avenue Betterment Association, will proceed to Lally Park near 10th and Central Avenue.

The group plans to stop briefly in front of Tequila KC Bar and light candles.

Galicia said this was a horrible tragedy, but he believes it was an isolated event. At about 1:30 a.m. Sunday, two persons allegedly opened fire on patrons in the Tequila KC bar at 10th and Central, killing four and wounding five more.

“I don’t believe it is a permanent setback,” Galicia said. “The community is strong, we’re striving and working for growth, and that will definitely be the way we will continue.”

Galicia said the general crime rate has dropped in the last three years on Central Avenue by 23 percent.

“We’re a strong community and we’re going to continue working,” he said.

What matters is that the actions on early Sunday morning were negative, destructive and the community as a whole does not want or support that, he said.

He said CABA plans to work with families in the future, starting conversations regarding emotional distress and recovery. A lot of them were family members and close friends, he said.

Galicia said most of the persons inside the neighborhood bar at the time of the shooting were residents who lived within two to three blocks.

It will be the business’s decision whether to reopen or not, and CABA will support whatever their decision is, he added. If they decide to stay, CABA will help them promote, recreate their image and grow the business, he added.

Galicia said everyone, the whole community, is invited to join the Walk for Community tonight. It will be a peaceful walk, they plan to listen to residents and family members, engage in conversation and start healing, he said.