KC Foodie Park development agreement on Thursday’s UG Commission agenda

The KC Foodie Park proposal is at 47th and State Avenue, at the former Indian Springs shopping center site.
The first phase, project area 1, is at the south side of the KC Foodie Park area, with I-635 on the east.
A drawing of the food center, which is an industrial building, in the first phase at the proposed KC Foodie Park. This building is proposed for the southwest part of the property.

A development agreement, TIF plan and sales tax industrial revenue bonds for the KC Foodie Park at the former Indian Springs shopping center are on Thursday’s Unified Government Commission meeting agenda.

The meeting includes a public hearing on the Foodie Park proposal.

The proposal for the former shopping mall at the 47th and State Avenue area includes a 266,000-square-foot food service center, at least three retail pad sites along State Avenue, and an additional 45,000 square feet of commercial use, and a 60,000-square-foot office building to serve as the headquarters of Scavuzzo’s, the developer of the project.

In all, it is a $140 million project, according to agenda information.

The food center would be completed in 2021 with other projects completed in later years. The development is mostly industrial with the food service center, with some commercial, restaurants and an office building.

The UG Commission meeting begins at 7 p.m. Sept. 26 in the Commission Chambers, lobby evel, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The actions proposed for the Foodie Park include an ordinance to approve the development agreement and home rule economic development sales tax rebate; an ordinance approving the division of the Midtown Redevelopment TIF (tax-increment financing) District into four redevelopment project areas; amending the redevelopment TIF district plan; adopting the TIF project area 1 redevelopment project plan; and a resolution of intent to issue sales tax construction IRBs in an amount not to exceed $20 million.

The project also includes a solar energy field to produce the energy needed to run the food center and related buildings.

Under the agreement, the developer will pay the UG $1.05 million for the Indian Springs property. The first phase property would go to the developer for free, with the developer paying $350,000 each for the other three parcels on the project site when the developer closes on the parcels. The UG currently owns the project site.

Several other items, including planning and zoning items, are on the agenda Thursday night.

The other items include:

• 10525 Nelson Lane, change of zone from agriculture district to single famil district for a sinle=family residential subdivision, Gerald St. Peter with DAPS, LLC.

• 3605 Bell Crossing, change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district for accessory structures and animals, Oracio Perez.

• 4251 N. 60th St., change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district to raise cattle, F. Peter Kovac.

• 1028 Sandusky Ave., change of zone from single-family district to two-family district for continuation of a duplex, Sumey Mohammamdrabie with My Three S LLC.

• 3002, 3004 and 3014 W. 43rd St., and 4225 Mission Road, change of zone from single-family district to two-family district for a multi-family development, Eliot Arnold with Beachwood Holdings, LLC.

• 7852 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for the temporary use of land to park salt plow trucks when not in use, Loyd A. Clay.

• 451 S. 14th St., special use permit for the temporary use of land for an inspection and light maintenance facility at 451 S. 14th St., Probhjot Singh Padda with MSS Freight Services LLC.

• 1830 Quindaro Blvd., special use permit for a car dealership with automotive repair, auto detailing and auto stereo installation, Nikole Henson.

• 3327 N. 7th St. Trafficway, renewal of a special use prmit for office space, assembly space and test firing range, Dan Spencer with CZ-USA.

• 1312 S. 55th St., preliminary and final plan review for an addition and renovation to the Turner Middle School, David Contag with DLR Group.

• Leavenworth Road ordinance, an ordinance authorizing the UG attorney to start legal proceedings to acquire property for the Leavenworth Road, 78th to 63rd Street improvement project.

• Plat of Copart on Kansas Avenue, west of the Kansas River, being developed by Copart of Kansas Inc.

• Southwest Boulevard and Marshall Street, plat of Phillips SW Storage LLC.

• 131st and Leavenworth Road, plat of Piper School Complex, being developed by the Piper Public Schools.

• Melissa Sieben and Mike Taylor to be selected as voting delegates for the League of Kansas Municipalities annual conference in Overland Park, Kansas.

Also on the agenda are several Land Bank items, including:


• 418 Haskell Ave., Rachel Jefferson, property acquisition

• 1137 Everett Ave., Strugglers Hill Neighborhood Group, property acquisition

• 1139 Everett Ave., Strugglers Hill Neighborhood Group, property acquisition.

• 405 Cleveland, Benjamin Caruthers, property acquisition

• 3745 N. 35th St., Lorenzo Garcia, property acquisition

• 3743 N. 35th St., Lorenzo Garcia, property acquisition

• 1131 Rowland Ave., Alberto Ortega, yard extension

• 1131 Rowland Ave., Innovating Renovations, LLC, yard extension

Transfer from Land Bank:

• 641 Parallel Ave. to Edrus, LLC. The recipient completed the rehab of 639 Parallel through the rehab program.

The UG Commission also will meet in a special session at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26, in the fifth floor conference room, City Hall, for the Wyandot Behavioral Health Network update, followed by a Board of Health update.

To see an earlier story on the KC Foodie Park proposal, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/kc-foodie-park-development-agreement-for-former-indian-springs-site-advances/.