Man jumps to safety out of burning home

A man jumped to safety from this burning home on Riverview Avenue this morning. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department)
A man jumped to safety from this burning home on Riverview Avenue this morning. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department)

A man jumped out of a burning house today at 2616 Riverview Ave., Kansas City, Kan.

The fire at 4:55 a.m. Sept. 19 at the home is under investigation, a Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department spokesman said.

The resident jumped from a ground floor window, and was taken to a hospital for treatment to burns on his feet, the spokesman said.

The man had moved into the home only two days earlier, the spokesman said.

Firefighters brought the fire under control within 15 minutes, then worked on salvaging and overhauling the fire.

When fire crews arrived, they saw fire coming from the front of the one-story home.

The estimated damage to the structure and contents of the home was $21,000, according to the Fire Department. The pre-fire value of the building was $38,000.

The spokesman said there were no working smoke detectors in the home.