Citizens’ police academy class learns about driving safely

Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safety  in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)
Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safety in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

Recently, the citizens’ police academy class learned something new.

First of all, they were shown what a police officer has to go through regarding driver’s training. This was held at the old Woodlands track in Kansas City, Kan. This training is very intensive, as they found out from Sgt. Gary Todd.

The second half of the class, Sgt. Todd talked about the “Below 100” program. This emphasizes simple police safety, such as driver’s safety and wearing the bulletproof vest.

The class gives residents a glimpse of the training that police officers receive.

Sgt. Todd said, “We constantly tell the new recruits that they should always wear their seatbelts, always regardless of what situation they get into, especially when they get in the high-speed pursuit. We also tell them that they are like any other citizen. They have to obey speed limits like any other citizen. This is strictly enforced by the department.”

If they don’t follow the speed limit and rules they can eventually be terminated, he said.

“We want the police officers to be able to come home to the loved ones after they get off work. This is why we are so strict regarding their safety, whether it is driving or wearing their bulletproof vest,” he said.
At the end of the class were very few questions. Many of the students were impressed about what they learned in the class.

Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safety in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)
Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safety in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)

Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safe driving in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)
Sgt. Gary Todd talked about safe driving in a recent citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)

A Kansas City, Kan., police car in a safe driving presentation at the citizens' police academy class.  (Photo by William Crum)
A Kansas City, Kan., police car in a safe driving presentation at the citizens’ police academy class. (Photo by William Crum)