KU Hospital reports seven fireworks-related injuries

Seven patients have been seen at the University of Kansas Hospital’s Burnett Burn Center for fireworks-related injuries.

A hospital spokesman, Bob Hallinan, stated that four of the seven patients were admitted to KU Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas. The injuries happened between 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 3, and 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 5.

Four of the seven patients were males and three were females, the hospital reported. They ranged in age from 2 to 38 years old.

The most common injury location was to the hands and eyes, he said. The most common types of firework causing the injuries were mortars and sparklers.

Because of privacy concerns, more specific information was not released about the patients’ city of residence or their conditions.

Hallinan said he believed the number of fireworks injuries this year is about the same as in previous years.

He said they probably expect to see a few more injuries over the coming weekend, even though it is not legal to shoot off fireworks after July 4 in Kansas City, Kansas.