UG budget presentation to be Thursday

The Unified Government administrator’s budget presentation is scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday, June 27, at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

In the budget presentation, the administrator will recommend what items should be funded in the UG budget. The budget also contains a total amount of recommended expenditures and revenues for next year, and a recommended mill levy for property taxes. The UG Commission will discuss the budget in several upcoming workshops and then vote on it.

The UG Commission also will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 27, in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St. Several planning and zoning items are on the agenda.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda are the Woodlands’ special use permit to park motor vehicles on its parking lot. The commission also is set to adopt the federal legislative program, which is the UG’s position on federal issues.

In addition there is an ordinance change for the Human Relations and Disabilities Commission, adding “all sexual orientations and genders” to the ordinance, and defining a quorum.

Also on the agenda are the commission and mayor’s recommendations for the UG – Hollywood Casino and SVV grants.

Several items are on the UG Commission’s 7 p.m. agenda, and include:

• 2120 Park Drive, a zoning change from limited business district to general business district for a used car lot, Veronica Wesselhoft.

• 8525 Parallel Parkway, zoning change from limited business district to planned commercial district for a contractor’s office.

• 3131 Merriam Lane, special use permit for automotive sales, Moroney Motors LLC.

• 1316 Armstrong Ave., special use permit for a child educational center, Lolita Sanders.

• 431 N. Thompson St., home occupation special use permit for an Air BNB (bread and breakfast), Thomas W. Morgan III.

• 3232 Sewell Ave., special use permit for the temporary use of land to park two semi-trucks, Jackson Trucking.

• 641 N. 57th St., renewal of a special use permit for modular classrooms for Lindbergh Elementary School, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools.

• 4820 Oakland Ave., renewal of a special use permit for modular classrooms for Eugene Ware Elementary School, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools.

• 1610 N. 8th St., renewal of a special use permit for modular classrooms for Sumner Academy, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools.

• 2120 Park Drive, special use permit for a used car lot, Veronica Wesselhoft.

• 412 N. 5th St., renewal and expansion of a special use permit for a restaurant and bar, Breit’s Stein and Deli.

• 835 Splitlog Ave., special use permit for the temporary use of land to park a business truck, Sylvia Bedolla.

• 217 Orchard St., home occupation special use permit for a short-term rental, Air BNB, James Allen Bogert.

• 7114 Parallel Parkway, home occupation special use permit for a pet grooming operation, A Billion Bubbles.

• 6945 Inland Drive, special use permit for the temporary use of land for an office trailer, American Concrete Products.

• 11827 Marxen Road, home occupation special use permit for an Air BNB, David and Deborah Beauchamp.

• 701 Village West Parkway, renewal of a special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with Chateau Avalon, Beaumont Enterprises LLC.

• 13742 Polfer Road, special use permit for a dirt fill, Michael Rhodes.

• 3001 Merriam Lane, special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with exiting restaurant, Woodyard Southside Holding LLC.

• 3131 N. 122nd St., special use permit for the temporary use of land for a greenhouse, Piper Elementary School, Piper Unified School District.

• 2400 S. 78th St., renewal of a special use permit for a sand plant – dredging operation, Kaw Valley Companies Inc.

• 2810 W. 42nd Ave., renewal of a home occupation special use permit for an Air BNB, Bear Real Estate LLC.

• 4300 Brenner Road, renewal of a special use permit for 12 nonviolent adult patients, KVC Foundation Inc.

• 8300 Gibbs Road and 8205 Kaw Drive, renewal of a special use permit to continue extracting material and fill with state approved rubble and recycling, Kaw Valley Companies Inc.

• 11330 Webster Ave., vacation of utility easements, D&A Homes Inc.

• 7524 State Ave., preliminary and final plan reiew for Aspen Dental, State4 LLC.

• 8525 Parallel Parkway, Master Plan amendment from low-density residential (city-wide) to community commercial (city-wide master plan), Nolte and Associates.

• 647 Southwest Blvd., No. 3184, an ordinance rezoning property from general industrial district to planned commercial district,

• 9700 Leavenworth Road, special use permit for the temporary use of land to store motor vehicles, including cars, SUVs, pickup trucks and semi-truck trailers, at the Woodlands parking lot.

• 3924 N. 49th Drive, short-term special use permit to hold the Kansas City, Kansas, Street Blues Festival on June 29, Frank Lavender Jr.

• Adoption of the proposed federal legislative program.

• 131st and Leavenworth Road improvements for Piper Elementary School, a resolution authorizing a survey of land for the improvements along the frontage of the school, including authorizing eminent domain.

• A resolution approving a reciprocal agreement for investigative assistance for large fire incidents with the Eastern Kansas Multi-County Task Force.

• 39th and Fisher, a request to construct a national fitness court at Fisher Park.

• An ordinance outlining the purposes of the Human Relations and Disabilities Issues Commission, with an amendment.
• An ordinance defining a quorum for the Human Relations and Disabilities Issues meeting.

• Nominations to boards, including Mindy Janelle Wills Fugarino to the Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board, submitted by Mayor David Lavey; Matt Warner to the UG Board of Park Commissioners, submitted by Commissioner Ann Murguia; Daniel Serda to the Board of Zoning Appeals – City Planning Commission, submitted by Commissioner Melissa Bynum; and Anne McDonald to the Housing Authority Board, submitted by Commissioner Brian McKiernan.

• UG – Hollywood Casino – SVV grants, recommendations from the mayor and commissioners.

The agendas are online at