More river flooding in forecast

More Missouri River flooding is coming in the next few days and weeks, according to a news conference held Thursday by the Army Corps of Engineers.

The areas affected are all along the Missouri River, including Kansas City and St. Joseph, Missouri, according to a National Weather Service forecaster. Flooding could get worse next week. Rivers that flow into the Missouri River also can be affected.

Heavy rain in the past week plus forecast rain in the weeks ahead have resulted in flooding.

Corps of Engineers officials reported some levees began to overtop in Ray and Carroll counties. Many levees have less than 8 feet of freeboard left at the top.

Officials noted they are having to release water from reservoirs upstream because of heavy rains. Kansas reservoirs may be affected in the future.

This morning, releases were increased to 60,000 cubic feet per second from Gavins Point dam in South Dakota.

The releases were not expected to add to the crest that is now being experienced, as that peak will be past before the water upstream gets here, according to officials.

People who are planning on visiting a reservoir over the Memorial Day weekend may want to check the water levels before they leave, as some areas for camping, boat ramps and recreation areas may be flooded. For more information, visit

Residents should be aware of changing river conditions, monitor conditions and check river forecasts at

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