Reid receives award for helping with organ donation

Sporting Kansas City President and CEO Jake Reid recently received the Green Ribbon Champion award by Midwest Transplant Network.

Reid joins a diverse coalition of local leaders committed to increasing the number of registered organ donors in communities across Kansas and Missouri.

“Organ donation has always been something that I’ve felt strongly about,” Reid said. “I’m passionate about helping others and I don’t think there’s a greater cause in terms of helping someone else. It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give.”

Midwest Transplant Network recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of its Green Ribbon Campaign, which launched in April 2018 with community outreach, multimedia awareness and partner support. The green ribbon serves as an iconic symbol to represent the generous act of giving hope and sharing life by joining the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry.

“Last year, we facilitated more than 800 organ transplants, and we are eager to increase that impact in 2019,” said Jan Finn, president and CEO of Midwest Transplant Network. “We are thrilled to partner with Jake Reid and Sporting Kansas City to spread the word that saying yes to organ donation gives everyone the chance to save lives and be hometown heroes.”

Reid, 36, joined Sporting Kansas City in 2010 and has served as president of the two-time Major League Soccer champions since 2016. Reid also serves on the board of several local non-profit organizations, including the Kansas City Sports Commission, Boys Hope Girls Hope of Kansas City, and The Victory Project.

Today, nearly 2,500 people in Kansas and Missouri are waiting for life-saving or life-changing organ transplants. Visit to learn how to get involved in supporting organ donation, including the upcoming Donate Life Legacy Walk on May 11 at Berkley Riverfront Park in Kansas City, and visit to join the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry.