Several items on tonight’s UG Public Works and Safety Committee meeting agenda

The Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, April 22, at the fifth floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the agenda for the meeting:

• A resolution authorizing a survey of land and authorizing submitting an ordinance that would allow eminent domain for land necessary for the Pump Station 4 and 5 Improvement Project at Kansas Avenue and South 51st Street.

• A resolution stating the 2019 Storm Sewer R&R Project is a necessary and valid improvement project, and authorizing a survey of land for the project. Eminent domain would be allowed for land in the project. No addresses were listed in the resolution.

• A resolution authorizing an agreement for an Armourdale and Central Industrial District levee unit flood risk management program. The agreement would be among the Department of Army, UG, Kaw Valley Drainage District and city of Kansas City, Missouri. The total project cost would be about $4.3 million, with $1.5 million to be paid by Kaw Valley Drainage District, Kansas City, Missouri, and the UG. Construction costs would be paid by federal funds.

• A resolution authorizing a mutual aid agreement with Edwardsville and Bonner Springs to provide fire and Emergency Medical Services mutual aid services.

• An update on the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department’s scheduling system implementation, managing firefighters’ shifts, overtime, vacation and sick leave.

• An update on the new Piper fire station being built at Hutton and Leavenworth roads, south of Leavenworth Road near 107th.

• An update on the new Juvenile Justice Center being built between 7th and 8th streets west of the court services building in downtown Kansas City, Kansas.

• An update on the Friendship Heights Sidewalk Benefit District. Friendship Heights is east of Roe Lane, west of Mission Road and north of County Line Road.

• An update on handling biosolids from the Kaw Point Wastewater Treatment Plant.

• A recommendation to construct a new fitness court at Huron Park, 6th and Minnesota Avenue.

No meeting is scheduled tonight for the Administration and Human Services Committee.