BPU: no water quality problems during flooding

The Kansas City, Kansas, had no water quality issues during the flooding this week, with safe water remaining throughout the event, according to officials.

In Kansas City, Missouri, changes to the turbidity, color and taste of the water was reported, and KC Water notified their customers about it. That organization said its water was safe. It draws its water from the Missouri River, which went into flood stage during the last week.

According to David Mehlhaff, spokesman for the BPU, there were no issues in Kansas City, Kansas, with the BPU’s water.

The BPU’s plant is on the Missouri River, but it draws its water from collector wells that are in an aquifer 150 feet below the river, he said.

The BPU had some calls about their water after Kansas City, Missouri, announced problems with turbidity, but the callers were happy to hear that there weren’t any issues here.

“We’ve been very fortunate, it’s not impacted us,” Mehlhaff said about the flood.

Flood waters are currently receding, but there is a possibility that river levels might increase again this weekend or early next week.