KCK school district offers inclement weather guide

Will there be school or not on Thursday for the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools?

Although the forecast may call for a 60 percent chance of ice and snow overnight, no decision has been made yet, according to a school district spokesperson.

District officials are not sure yet, and are watching and waiting for more definite indications from the weather. But when the decision is made, it will be posted on the school district’s social media page and the media will be notified, the spokesperson said.

The school district is making the effort to help patrons and residents understand the different weather plans they have, and is making its inclement weather guide available. The guide is at http://kckps.org/images/news/Inclement%20Weather%20Plans%20Public.pdf.

The inclement weather guide outlines four weather plans of the district: Plan A, a two-hour delayed start; Plan B, a two-hour early release; Plan C, schools closed, district offices open; and Plan D, schools closed, district offices closed and Kansas City, Kansas, Public Library closed.

Melissa Fears, director of communications and marketing for the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, said the district’s inclement weather guide will help parents see at a glance that if there is a two-hour delay from the 7 a.m. start time, their child does not have to be there until 9 a.m. The guide also tells parents how preschool schedules are affected, how school bus service is affected, how extracurricular evening activities are affected, and when meal services are not available.

For example, the guide also tells parents that breakfast is served under Plan A and Plan B, but not C and D; lunch is served under Plan A and B, but not C and D; and afterschool meals are served under Plan A, but not Plans B, C and D.