BPU approves 2019 budget decrease

The Board of Public Utilities unanimously approved its 2019 budget, a decrease of $11 million, at the Wednesday night BPU meeting.

The 2019 budget, totaling $381 million, is a 2.8 percent budget decrease attributed to lower capital spending, according to BPU officials. The 2018 budget was $392 million.

According to a BPU spokesman, while there are fewer capital projects in the budget next year, one capital project currently underway is the Rosedale substation and transmission lines, replacing the outdated Fisher substation.

Although there is less budgeted for capital projects next year, the cost of operations and maintenance is expected to increase.

The BPU listed its major goals and priorities for 2019, including:

• Providing cost effective, safe and reliable utility services, including efficient operation of electric and water production facilities.

• Remain focused on improved customer service, updating business practices and policies as needed to meet the requirements of our broad customer base, putting in place initiatives to make information and services readily accessible across multiple communication platforms, and ensuring use of industry best practices in achieving these standards.

• Ensuring electric transmission and distribution systems are adaptable to support changes in future power supply sources. Operation of all transmission and generation assets in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner, while working to maintain and update the utility’s infrastructure as needed.

• Continuing to support and champion renewable energy (such as wind, community solar) while evaluating future generation mix opportunities to ensure sustainable energy usage opportunities for our community. This includes expanding full utilization of the new Community Solar Farm to not only residential customers, but commercial customers as well. Moreover, the utility will continue to monitor, evaluate, and address changes in all environmental regulations.

• Ensuring continued fiscal sustainability by effectively managing debt coverage, cash-on-hand, credit ratings, and open and transparent fiscal and budget policies.

• Promotion of on-going energy and water efficiency initiatives through customer education, community outreach services, and targeted programs.

• Reviewing strategic alliances and expansion opportunities that benefit the utility and the community. Supporting economic development and retention and growth in the service area with other community partners.

• Identifying and implementing usage of innovative technologies, maintenance of all reliability standards, and development of a safety-conscious workplace that ensures continued electric and utility services.

BPU will continue efforts to improve efficiencies and reduce costs; assist and support community partners and meet and prepare for future customer growth while maintaining world-class customer service, the spokesman stated in a news release.

This BPU remains committed to providing safe, reliable and affordable electric and water service to Wyandotte County, while continually working to improve the quality of life in the community in which it operates, the spokesman stated.