KCK plans to donate used Fire Department lockers

Kansas City, Kansas, is planning to donate old Fire Department lockers to Piper High School, Tonganoxie Fire Department and the Wyandotte County Historical Society.

A resolution to donate 220 lockers to the three groups received preliminary approval on Monday night at the Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee. It will next go to the full UG Commission on Dec. 6.

According to the UG agenda, the 220 lockers are valued at $1,350, and are obsolete for the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department’s purposes.

Thirty lockers will be donated to Piper High School, 40 lockers to the Tonganoxie Fire Department, and 150 lockers to the Wyandotte County Historical Society, according to the resolution.

A Fire Department assistant chief said the lockers were obsolete, as the Fire Department has upgraded its lockers as part of a cancer prevention effort.

While the Fire Department could have sold them for scrap metal, the lockers are very old and would be able to be used by other departments, according to the assistant chief.