Entertainer from KCK calls attention to voter registration deadline on Tuesday

A mobile app from Brian McClendon, Democratic candidate for secretary of state, is helping to increase voter registration in Kansas, according to his campaign.

The voter registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 16, and the deadline and mobile app recently got some attention from Janelle Monae, a singer and performer from Kansas City, Kansas.

The app, KSvotes.org, has now registered 19,000 people in Kansas, according to Joyce Morrison of the McClendon campaign.

While there are many efforts throughout the state and community to increase voter registration, this particular effort by McClendon especially appeals to younger voters, Morrison said.

Younger voters, she said, may not even know what a stamp is, and are not as likely to fax in their registration form, mail it in, or go to the election office.

“But doing it online has a great appeal,” she said. The mobile app works best on a cell phone, she added.

“This may be a record-setting voter turnout for a midterm election in November,” she said.

“Johnson, Douglas and Sedgwick counties have definitely had record-setting voter registration,” she added.

On the mobile app, people may register almost up to midnight Tuesday, she said. The process may take five minutes.

On Friday, Oct. 12, Wyandotte County Election Commissioner Bruce Newby stated voter registration was up by about 1,500 here since the August primary, and is currently about 82,400.

The Janelle Monae voter registration video may be found on Facebook at

Janelle Monae – Register To Vote Using KSVotes

Are you ready to vote? You can be in minutes, and you can do it online! Janelle Monae – Kansas City, Kansas native – reminds you to register to vote today using KSVotes.org! It'll take just 3 minutes. The deadline is this Tuesday. You can also request an advance ballot at KSVotes and vote in advance by mail so you don't miss class or work. Don't miss out on your opportunity to shape your future! Share this post with your friends!

Posted by Brian 'BAM' McClendon on Sunday, October 14, 2018

For an earlier story about voter registration in Wyandotte County, and a list of places accepting voter registration forms, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/questions-and-answers-about-voter-registration-in-wyandotte-county/.