Holy Family Church to celebrate Slovenefest Sept. 22

Carol McCarty in front, Margaret Watson in the black shirt and Marcia Wolf in the background recently volunteered to work on food for the annual Slovenefest Sept. 22 at Holy Family school grounds in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Sandy Cannon of Holy Family Church)

by Kathy Hanis

Holy Family Catholic Church will celebrate the 10th annual Slovenefest on Saturday, Sept. 22, at the Monsignor Mejak Hall and Holy Family School grounds at 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas.

All of the money raised supports Holy Family Catholic Church.

“Holy Family Catholic Church is all about church and family, and are excited to celebrate the 10th anniversary of over a century of preserving their Slovenian heritage and culture with the community,” said the Rev. Peter M. Jaramillo, of Holy Family Catholic Church.

Slovenefest 2018 is a celebration of the Slovenian culture and will begin at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 22, with a Holy Mass at Holy Family Catholic Church, located at 274 Orchard St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The festivities will run from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and include children and adult games, a cultural booth, souvenirs, a silent auction, and an authentic Slovenian dinner, serving a choice of Sarma (stuffed cabbage roll), Poljene Paprika (stuffed pepper), Krvavica (a specialty sausage), Slovenian potato salad and green beans.

Enjoy Tamburitza music from Hrvatski Obicaj: from 5 to 6 p.m., and Slovenian Polkas with The Brian McCarty Band from 6 to 9 p.m.

The Slovenefest dinner menu, for $15, includes a choice of Polnjene Paprike (stuffed pepper) or Sarma (stuffed cabbage roll), and the plate includes Kranjska Klobasa Hren V Smetanovi Omaki (Slovenian smoked sausage, horseradish in cream sauce), Krvavica (Slovenian specialty sausage), Kislo Zelije (sauerkraut), Krmpirjeva Solata (potato salad made with boiled potatoes, onions, oil and vinegar), Kruh in Maslo (bread and butter), Strocji Fizol V Solati (green beans), Kava, Cav, Limonada (choice of coffee, tea or lemonade), Sladica (dessert, choose one from the dessert table).

Volunteers recently made 90 poticas, including about 40 for the adult wheel and the others to be served at the dinner.

Volunteers also recently made 120 apple strudels, with about 50 for the adult wheel and the remaining strudel to be served at the dinner.

A few well-known persons of Slovenian descent include:

The First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, who is a former Slovenian-American model, sent a photo and note to Holy Family Catholic Church in 2017.

Alfred Matthew Yankovic, better known by his stage name, “Weird Al” Yankovic, was born in California, and his father, Nick Louis Yankovic, of Slovenian descent, was born in Kansas City, Kansas, and was baptized at Holy Family Church,

For more information, contact the Holy Family Church office at 913-371-1561 or visit www.holyfamilychurchkck.com .

The Rev. Peter Jaramillo blessed the 90 loaves of potica that were prepared recently for Slovenefest, which will be held Sept. 22 at Holy Family school grounds and Mejak Hall. (Photo by Sandy Cannon of Holy Family Church)
Holy Family Catholic Church volunteers rolled out the dough to prepare 60 loaves of Potica (nutbread) for the upcoming Slovenefest 2018, set for Saturday, Sept. 22, at Holy Family School Grounds and Mejak Hall, 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Sandy Cannon of Holy Family Church)
About 90 loaves of Potica, Slovenian nutbread, were made recently for the annual Slovenefest on Sept. 22 at Holy Family school grounds, 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Sandy Cannon of Holy Family Church)
Volunteers prepared about 120 apple strudels recently for the annual Slovenefest Sept. 22 at Holy Family Church, 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Sandy Cannon of Holy Family Church)