Mail ballots counted here; results showed Colyer increased 16 and Kobach gained 25 more votes

Mail ballots were counted this afternoon in Wyandotte County.

In the GOP governor’s contest, there was a net gain of 9 votes for Kris Kobach since Thursday’s Wyandotte County total, according to information on the Wyandotte County election commissioner’s website.

Friday’s vote totals, with mail-in ballots, showed 16 more votes for Colyer and 25 more votes for Kobach.

There was a net gain of 15 votes for Kobach in Wyandotte County since Tuesday night’s Wyandotte County results.

Totals show the number of ballots cast increased from 19,987 on Thursday to 20,194 on Friday, for 207 more ballots received, according to information from the Wyandotte County Election Commissioner’s website.

There was no outcome change to any local Wyandotte County contests.

On Friday afternoon, the secretary of state’s latest website revision showed a lead of 241 votes for Kobach over Colyer.

Provisional votes have not yet been counted. They will be considered at the Wyandotte County vote canvass to be held at 9 a.m. Aug. 16 at the election office, 850 State Ave.

Johnson County’s and Sedgwick County’s voter canvasses will be held on Monday, Aug. 13, according to a document on the secretary of state’s website.

A document from the Kansas secretary of state’s office showed that there were 402 provisional ballots in Wyandotte County.

Sedgwick County had the highest number of provisional ballots, at 1,900. Johnson County has 1,821 provisional ballots.

In all, there are 8,999 provisional ballots throughout the state of Kansas, according to the secretary of state’s document.