UG committee scheduled to discuss trash service tonight

The Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee is scheduled to discuss trash service, among other topics, at its 5 p.m. meeting tonight at City Hall.

The meeting will be held at 5 p.m. July 23 on the fifth floor of City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

According to the agenda, there will be an update of recent and ongoing operational changes and performance indicators with Waste Management. No commission action is scheduled.

Other topics on the UG committee meeting agenda include:

• An Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance grant that will be used to send senior command staff in the Police Department to advanced leadership training. Also, funding would be used to replace out-of-date software. The grant, previously approved by the UG Commission, is for $106,511 and covers from October of 2017 through September of 2020.

• Application for a VOCA grant for the Victim Services Unit, requesting $301,096 in federal funds, which would create an additional victim advocate position.

• A resolution to approve a survey for a storm drainage project at 42nd and Argentine Boulevard, and to create an ordinance allowing the UG to acquire the property for the project.

• An ordinance to amend UG ordinances repealing a penalty for refusal of preliminary breath tests, to come into compliance with state legislative amendments.

• A resolution adopting a joint agreement of the UG with the Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Public Schools to provide a school resource officer serving at elementary schools in Bonner Springs and Edwardsville. Under this agreement, the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Office would provide a deputy to serve as a school resource officer in the three elementary schools in the district. The Bonner Springs school board must also approve this agreement at its Aug. 6 meeting. The officer would collaborate with school administrators, but would ultimately be responsible to the Sheriff’s Office. Under the agreement, the school district would reimburse the UG $65,568 for the officer for a year.

A UG budget workshop will follow the 5 p.m. committee meeting on the fifth floor of City Hall.