Seven Schlitterbahn rides approved to reopen

District Attorney Mark Dupree announced today that seven rides at the Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kansas, have been reviewed and are in compliance with state requirements.

The seven Schlitterbahn rides can now begin operations, according to a news release from the district attorney’s spokesman.

The district attorney reviewed the rides this morning at Schlitterbahn, with an inspector from the Kansas Department of Labor.

Four other rides are still under review and will reopen only when the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s office, the Kansas Department of Labor and Schlitterbahn agree that each one is in substantial compliance with standards, according to the district attorney’s announcement.

A Schlitterbahn spokesman stated that all seven rides that Schlitterbahn submitted to KDOL have now passed the audit review. The Schlitterbahn has not yet submitted the remaining four rides for review, according to the spokesman.

“We appreciate the patience of our fans as we address these issues. We hope this additional step has provided every assurance to our guests that we remain dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable experience at our park,” the Schlitterbahn spokesman stated.

The seven rides in compliance are the Bahnzai Pipeline Tube Slide, the Black Knight Tube Slide, Blitz Falls Aquaveyor, Cyclone, King Kaw Aquaveyor, Storm Blaster and Twister.