Leavenworth Road Association plans fishing derby, meeting

Guest column
by Lou Braswell

The Neighborhod Business Revitalization directors were invited to meet with Mayor David Alvey recently at City Hall.

I was very impressed, he seems to really understand that NBRs continue to work with the community, the businesses and the residents. He is the first mayor I ever remember extending the invitation to listen and hear our thoughts, our projects and our concerns. It was not one of those “here is what I want to do as elected officials,” it was an actual round table. Thank you Mayor Alvey and staff. Mayor Alvey also stresses that development out west is great but he is working on the rest.

Now to our upcoming events:

June 9, Kid’s Free Fishing Derby at Wyandotte County Lake:
6 a.m., volunteers setting canopies up
7 a.m., registration begins
8 a.m. to 10 a.m., derby begins
10:30 a.m., trophy time
May need help to get canopies from house to lake (truck necessary).

June 12, LRA meeting
Community policing is bringing goggles to demonstrate impaired vision.
This is your chance to feel what it is like to walk or drive while impaired (feeling only).
The menu will be picnic-style, with Sylvester’s smoked chicken wings

June begins our Summer Youth Program, packet (letter, rules and application) has been mailed and are coming back in. Interviews and placement will begin June 1.

Our Teen Team work orders have been sent into the fantastic organization that comes from five different states with their teen – adult crews to spruce up some of residents’ homes and our community. They will be here July 8-14. All I can say is “seeing is believing.”

Our LRA July 1 meeting: Loren Taylor will be guest speaker, also known as Mr. History. If it is history, Loren knows it.

Any questions or suggestions, call the LRA office at 913-788-3988.

Lou Braswell is the executive director of the Leavenworth Road Association.