Mayor to speak at Leavenworth Road Association meeting Tuesday

Guest column

by Lou Braswell

Just reminding everyone that the Leavenworth Road Association meeting is April 10, at Eisenhower Center, 2901 N. 72nd, Kansas City, Kansas, with the potluck dinner and social hour at 6 p.m. followed by the 7 p.m. meeting. Mayor David Alvey will be the guest speaker at the meeting.

Also we have important events coming up through the next few months, lots of opportunities to volunteer with us, donate items or funds to some of our active helping hand programs, and this will be discussed at this next meeting.

One of the big events that LRA has worked toward for a number of years is Welborn Lake. We will be providing the treatment to Welborn Lake with our conservationist , Ian Thomas. We have heard complaints for years from the community about the look of the water, we listened, we heard, we researched, Ian stepped forward and we put our plans together. Looking forward to clear, glistening water in 2018. LRA is paying for the products, Ian is donating his skills, education and knowledge.

We still have request forms for our amazing Teen Team coming to Kansas City in July. I will have forms at the meeting or you can call the office. These kids are fantastic workers, they love helping and it shows. The adult leaders give their time to help train, most of them using their vacation time to be here for us.

KU rowing team is back at Wyandotte County Lake, and LRA is serving food and providing friendly faces. We can use volunteers or cash donations toward the foods to be served. This is also a fundraiser-type event.

The Summer Youth Program check is not in our hands yet, but we know BPU will come through. LRA will be sending out letters to returning youth and mentors about mid-May. If you have or know of a youth that may be interested have them call the office or email us their address.

Ed and Ione Trapp originated the Kid’s Free Fishing Derby that now is going into the 34th year. That is always the second Saturday in June, so mark your calendar for June 9.
Registration begins at 7 a.m., the derby whistle sounds at 8 a.m. and trophy presentation is at 10:30 a.m.

Lawn service and small repairs for senior citizens or disabled persons is ready to kick off the 2018 season.

Our April 10 meeting will also include more details of all the above programs. Hope to see you there, bring a friend, make a friend. We are the “people lovin’” organization. There is no charge to attend the April 10 meeting. Those attending the dinner usually bring a covered dish to share.

Lou Braswell is the executive director of the Leavenworth Road Association. For more information, call the LRA office at 913-788-3988 or email [email protected].