UG committees scheduled to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committee meetings are scheduled tonight.

The Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 29, at the fifth floor meeting room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The Administration and Human Services Committee meeting will follow at the same location.

On the agenda for the Public Works meeting:

• A resolution authorizing the UG to make an agreement with the Fairfax Drainage District to provide adequate sewer services for industrial growth in the Fairfax District, to be effective last year, and authorizing the UG to reimburse the district $197,700 for sewer services.

• A revision to the UG’s Franchise Ordinance to require franchise agreements with those who are providing or facilitating service within the UG. The franchisee would indemnify the UG, meet insurance and bond requirements, install excess conduit for future UG infrastructure needs, and pay the UG a franchise fee for use of right-of-way.

• A report on mowing, in the S.O.A.R. anti-blight program. The UG has increased its mowing significantly since 2015, according to the report.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Services Committee:

• A report on the UG’s open data efforts and goals for 2018.

• Approval of a report from the planning department that would help property owners reduce their risk of future flooding by understanding flood risk, flood sources and resources for mitigation.

• An amendment to an ordinance that would state where mobile grocery stores may operate without a special use permit. Under the proposed amendment, a special use permit would not be required for a mobile grocery market that complies with certain regulations. A mobile market would not be allowed to operate within 500 feet of a public entrance of an established business offering similar products during the hours that the business is open to the public, according to one new amendment. There is also a new definition of mobile market in the proposed ordinance amendment.

• A presentation on the continued paratransit ridership demands also is scheduled.