Go green with smoothies

by Ashlee Lamar

Going green is a new trend when it comes to smoothies. “Green smoothies” are a new method people are using to increase vegetable consumption.

These power smoothies incorporate some form of green vegetable, such as kale or spinach, collard greens or Swiss chard. The green vegetable is usually combined with a fruit, and often times milk, yogurt, or seeds to create a cool and tasty drink.

What makes these smoothies so popular? These smoothies discreetly pack a serving of vegetables into each drink, perfect for picky eaters or young children. The smoothies are easy to drink on the go, and are increasing in popularity to people of all ages.

How do these smoothies really rank nutritionally?
– These smoothies are packed with fiber: this helps regulate digestive processes. Fiber can also help lover cholesterol levels.
– The greens used in these smoothies (usually kale and spinach) are superstar vegetables. Kale is filled with high levels of vitamin A, K and C. It is also full of carotenoids and flavonoids (45 total). These have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.
– Fruits provide a variety of nutrients including vitamin A and C.
– Low fat milk or yogurt adds a good source of protein.
– Word of caution: adding items such as canned fruits, fruit juice or large amounts of fruit can quickly add excess sugars to these smoothies

Check out these green smoothie recipes listed below. Feel free to substitute your own ingredients.

Ashlee Lamar is a registered dietitian at providence Medical Center.

Banana berry smoothie
– 2 cups spinach
– 1.5 cups vanilla almond milk
– 1 frozen medium banana
– ¾ cup frozen mixed berries
– ¼ cup flax seed
– Combine spinach and almond milk, blend until smooth.
– Add fruits and flax seed, blend to desired consistency.

Apple banana smoothie
– 1 ½ cups spinach leaves
– ½ cup milk
– 1 banana
– 1 cup grapes
– 1, 6 ounce container vanilla yogurt
– ½ apple, chopped

Combine spinach and milk in blender. Blend until smooth.
Add in fruit. Blend until smooth.
Serves: 2