Brownback’s nomination squeaks through Senate; Kansas to have new governor

Gov. Sam Brownback (Photo from governor’s office)

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s nomination was confirmed today to be U.S. ambassador at large for international religious freedom.

A tiebreaker vote by Vice President Mike Pence, after a 49-49 vote in the U.S. Senate, made the difference.

The action by the U.S. Senate means Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer will soon move up to the governor’s position.

Kansas’ two Republican senators, Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran, voted in favor of Brownback’s nomination. In Missouri, Republican Sen. Roy Blunt voted in favor of the nomination, while Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill voted against it.

According to The Hill, the vote split strictly along party lines.

Brownback served in the U.S. Senate from 1996 through 2010, when he ran for governor.

Sen. Roberts’ statement on the confirmation:

“Sam Brownback has always been called to fight for those of all faiths,” said Roberts. “I am glad he now has the opportunity to lead our nation’s efforts in promoting religious tolerance and fighting against religious prosecution and discrimination. His personal and professional commitment to fighting for religious freedom will make him an excellent Ambassador. I thank him for his service to Kansas, and I wish him the best in this next chapter of public service.”

Sen. Moran, who presided over the Senate on Monday when consideration of the nomination began, issued this statement:

“Governor Brownback has long demonstrated his commitment to promoting the freedom of all to practice the religion of their choice. He will now be in a position to continue this important work as our Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom. The governor has been a dedicated public servant for many years and it was a privilege to support his nomination today.”

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