Republicans announce support for Democratic governor candidate

The Democratic candidate for Kansas governor, Paul Davis, today announced that 104 Republicans had endorsed him.

Davis issued a news release that stated he had bipartisan support from moderate Kansans.

On the list of endorsements were such prominent Republicans as former U.S. Rep. Jan Meyers, Overland Park; former state Sen. Lana Oleen, Manhattan, former Senate majority leader; former state Sen. Steve Morris, Hugoton, former Senate president; former state Rep. Robert Miller, Wellington, former House Speaker; former Lt. Gov. Shelby Smith, Wichita; former Kansas GOP chairman Bill Falstad, Fredonia; former Kansas GOP chairman Al Shank, Liberal; and former Sen. Dick Bond, Overland Park, former Kansas Senate president.

The only Wyandotte County resident on the list was former Rep. Ray Cox, Bonner Springs.

The group cited Brownback’s tax plan, cuts to schools, and budgeting as reasons for their decision.

“This election should not be about electing a Republican or a Democrat as governor. It must be about electing a moderate, commonsense Kansan as governor,” said Dick Bond, former state Senate president. “I have been a Republican all my life and don’t intend to change. But I am proud today to support Paul Davis and Jill Docking for Kansas’ sake.”

Incumbent Gov. Sam Brownback’s campaign responded with a statement. John Milburn, communications director for the Sam Brownback re-election campaign, issued the following statement in response to Tuesday’s announcement from the Paul Davis campaign:

“Gov. Brownback is focused on leading Kansas by growing the economy, investing in education for future generations, and preserving the bedrock values of hard work, faith and family. Under Gov. Brownback’s leadership Kansas has created 53,400 new private sector jobs, Kansas kids have 676 more certified teachers in the classroom, and recently provided $84 million in property tax relief for hard-working families.”