Legends parking garage CID, mayor-commission pay raise on Thursday night’s UG Commission agenda

On the agenda for the 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21, Unified Government Commission meeting is the Legends Outlets parking garage and green space CID project, as well as a pay raise for the mayor and UG Commission.

The meeting will be held at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

There will be a public hearing on the creation of a new Legends garage and lawn community improvement district.

The total $63.3 million project includes a green space on the west side of The Legends Outlets, with space for outdoor community events and with a large video screen.

In addition, a parking garage with apartments on top would be built. This 615-space parking garage would have 265 high-end apartments constructed over it. There would be a bridge from the existing Legends parking garage to the new garage. At least 350 spaces in the new garage would be set aside for public parking.

A sales tax of 1 percent would be put in place at the community improvement district, according to the agenda, and the .6 percent sales tax now in place would end. Industrial revenue bonds could be issued by the UG for the project, which is described as a pay-as-you-go project. The developer will pay a payment-in-lieu-of-taxes.

The CID funds would go only toward the garage, land, sidewalk and landscaping for the project and would be capped at $17.5 million.

The total cost of the green space part of the project is estimated at $40 million.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda:
• Adoption of the UG’s legislative platform.
• Adoption of a cash management policy.
• An ordinance allowing the UG to use alternative project delivery methods for the design and construction of buildings and other structures.
• An ordinance allowing the purchasing director or head of the procuring agency to act as the commission’s designee, with the administrator’s approval, when directed by the commission.
• Changes to the time of appointments to the standing committees.
• Extending the MBC-WBE program for construction contracts for two years.
• Nomination of Jessie Alvarez to the Advisory Committee on Human Relations and Disability, submitted by Commissioner Melissa Bynum.
• An ordinance to sell general obligation bonds.
• A resolution allowing Mayor Mark Holland to buy the 2013 GMC Arcadia provided to him by the UG for $18,000.
• A presentation on the findings of the public meetings on the Indian Springs site.
• Several Land Bank items.

A special UG meeting is scheduled at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21, in the ninth floor conference room of City Hall to have a farewell appreciation dinner.

At 5:30 p.m., the UG Commission is scheduled to go into a closed executive session to discuss labor, litigation and personnel.