Sykes considering running for Congress, 3rd District

Alvin Sykes (File photo)

Alvin Sykes, a human rights activist in Kansas City, Kansas, is considering a run for U.S. Representative, 3rd District.

Sykes said Monday night that he was “very seriously” thinking about running for the office.

If he decides to run as an independent, he said he would have to collect signatures to file for office. He also said he would think about running as a Democrat. The withdrawal of Democratic candidate Andrea Ramsey from the contest earlier this week was one factor that made him think about running, he added.

Sykes said his top issue would be crime and justice. Other issues that he feels strongly about are housing and urban development, and education, he said.

He has served as president of the Emmett Till Justice Campaign, and has been instrumental in getting the first and second Till bills passed in Congress. These bills allow the federal government to investigate hate crimes of the past, giving assistance to local police.

Sykes’ research into unsolved civil and human rights abuses has earned him a reputation nationally and internationally.

One thought on “Sykes considering running for Congress, 3rd District”

  1. Run Alvin. I’m with you in any way I can help.

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