UG Commission scheduled to meet Thursday night

The Unified Government Commission on Thursday night is scheduled to vote on issuing industrial revenue bonds of up to $46 million for the Dairy Farmers of America project.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, at the Commission Chambers, City Hall, lobby level, Kansas City, Kansas.

The DFA building was completed earlier this year (see The commission in 2015 approved a resolution of intent to issue the bonds for the project. They will be taxable IRBs, according to the proposed ordinance. The bonds are for 110,000 square feet of office facilities, equipping and acquiring the property near 98th between State Avenue and Parallel Parkway.

A total property tax abatement for 10 years is proposed for the project, according to the ordinance. According to the proposed ordinance, the UG would lease the project to the DFA. This ordinance is currently on the consent agenda for Dec. 7.

Also on the Dec. 7 agenda:

• Proposed revisions to the county emergency operations plan.

• Proposed revisions to the county debris management plan.

• An ordinance revising the city limits of Kansas City, Kansas. The commission previously approved two ordinances excluding two properties from the city limits in a deannexation of land near Lake Quivira and Holliday Drive.

• Adoption of a UG-owned building and park renaming policy. The policy is outlined in the Dec. 7 agenda.

• Nomination of Kevin Jones to the Golf Advisory Board, submitted by Commissioner Jane Philbrook.

• A resolution that will cancel the UG Commission meeting date of Dec. 14. The commission recently added Dec. 4 and Dec. 21 to its schedule of meeting dates. According to a resolution passed on Dec. 4, the public hearing on the Legends garage and lawn green space Community Improvement District will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall.

The UG Commission also will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, in the fifth floor conference room at City Hall fora legislative dinner and program.

The agenda is online at