Commerce Department directs efforts toward existing, new businesses

by Murrel Bland

The Kansas Department of Commerce focuses on business retention, attracting new business and improving workforce development.

That was the message that David Soffer brought to a meeting of the Congressional Forum Friday, Sept. 15, at Children’s Mercy Park in Village West. Soffer is the director of marketing and research for the Commerce Department. He lives in Overland Park.

Soffer was substituting for his boss, Nick Jordan, who is Kansas secretary of commerce. Jordan was originally scheduled to speak at the forum; However, Gov. Sam Brownback requested Jordan to accompany him on a trip to Dallas, Texas.

He said that the state needs to do a better job of telling the advantages of doing business in Kansas. These advantages include more reasonable operating costs. Labor and taxes tend to be lower in Kansas than such places as New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. Soffer said he can attest to more reasonable living costs as he moved to Overland Park from the Brooklyn Heights community of New York City.

Recruiting a qualified workforce is an important part of the Commerce Department’s functions. He said one of the sources of qualified workers is retired military. He said the Department of Commerce wants to take advantage of retiring military personnel at places such as Ft. Riley near Junction City, Kan.

The Commerce Department also works with educators, particularly those in grades K-12 and in post-secondary levels, to assure that there are adequate workers for Kansas businesses, Soffer said.

He also said the Commerce Department works closely with local units of government and their economic development efforts including those in Wyandotte County. He cited the new Amazon warehouse just off the Turner Diagonal which will provide some 2,500 jobs.

Soffer said he expected the Commerce Department to submit a proposal for Amazon’s second headquarters. Economic development officials throughout the country are vying for a $5 billion complex that would employee an estimated 50,0000 persons in very well-paying jobs. But various publications, including The New York Times, sees little chance that Kansas (or Kansas City, Mo.) would attract the Amazon prize. One economic development observer said Kansas City simply doesn’t have the necessary workers.

One person at the forum suggested that the Sprint campus in Overland Park might be a good location for the second Amazon headquarters. However, those familiar with Amazon’s requirements said the Sprint campus wouldn’t be large enough.

Soffer was asked about the Tyson Chicken processing plant that has been proposed for rural Leavenworth County just south of Tonganoxie. Several Leavenworth County residents have attended public meetings protesting Tyson. They cite environmental concerns and the potential of overcrowding schools. Soffer said the $320 million plant would provide 1,600 jobs, but was careful not to say much more.

Murrel Bland is the former editor of The Wyandotte West and The Piper Press. He is the executive director of Business West.

2 thoughts on “Commerce Department directs efforts toward existing, new businesses”

  1. I was recently at a HyVee store in Johnson County and a customer there told me a HyVee store is being built North of The Legends. Is this true and, if so, where is it? Also, on that same subject, what happened to the plans of a Hen House being built on 110th Street? Thank you.

    1. The plans were to build an Aldi at 110th, or next to the old Payless Shoe Store. Waiting to see an update on that!

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