T-Bones, KC Crew try adult sports leagues

New adult sports leagues are coming to CommunityAmerica Ballpark, according to the Kansas City T-Bones and KC Crew.

Softball, Kickball, and Cornhole leagues will initially be offered this fall season at the ballpark and as demand grows KC Crew and the T-Bones will add more sports and options as well as pickup nights and even watch parties, according to a spokesman.

“KC Crew is very excited about this new partnership with the T-Bones. Not only will we be able to offer quality leagues in the Legends area, but participants will be able to play in an amazing complex, the CommunityAmerica Ballpark,” said Luke Wade, founder of Awesome.

KC Crew is an adult sports league and special events company focused on creating awesome sports leagues and fun events in the Kansas City area. In 2016, KC Crew grew to 6,200 league participants and over 3,000 in special events and pub crawls in downtown Kansas City, Mo.

“We’re thrilled to partner with KC Crew and bring these types of events for young millennials to our stadium and Kansas City, Kansas, overall. We look forward to getting started this fall and growing our partnership in the future,” said Chris Browne, vice president and general manager of the T-Bones.

All dates, costs and sign up information is available at https://KCCrewLegends.com or by calling 816-812-1829.