Athletic field to be dedicated July 12; sports events for youth planned

A punt, pass and kick football event, plus a soccer event, will be held for a community athletic field on Saturday, July 12.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony and youth events will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 12, at 1900 N. 9th St., Kansas City, Kan. It is open to the public. Unified Government Commissioner Tarence Maddox is planning to be at the event.

The field has been restored and will be dedicated in a ceremony July 12. The field is being dedicated to coach Adrion Roberson.

Immediately after the program, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., youth will participate in the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick event. There also will be a soccer match between the Juba Boyz and Somali Soccer of KC.

The NFL Punt, Pass and Kick event is free and open to boys and girls ages 6 to 15. Registration is requested by July 7 to Youth must pre-register to participate. No walk-ins will be allowed. Participants will be divided into five age groups. Cleats will not be allowed.

– Information from Unified Government